Showing posts with label Pink Floyd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pink Floyd. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2020

Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie...

Today in 1690, the first paper money in America was issued by the Massachusetts Colony.  42 Years before George Washington was born. 53 Years before Thomas Jefferson was born. 

It may be all about the Benjamin's But neither Mr. Franklin or Mr. Hamilton were ever President. Surrounding Alexander are some Silver Certificates and $1 misprint. Note that the serial number and other features are printed upside down.

Leftover from my latest trip to the Philippines. Pictured is the US equivalent of $3.34.

Japenese money from World War II. Probably issued in the Philippines.


Don't give me that do-good -goody bullshit.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Another Brick in the Wall

I See a Brick Elephant Hiding in the Trees.

This Song has been here before but its one of my favorites...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

best laid plans....

All my batteries we were charged,
Had my spot all picked out.
White Moon would rise over rolling hills.
An I would get a time lapse movie and some great pics of the Supermoon Eclipse.
 Except for those fucking clouds were in the way.
 And stayed in the way.
 Even as the eclipse was ending they still partly blocked my view.

A record company bought the rights to John Fogerty and Creedence ClearWater Revival music and then tried to sue John Fogerty because his new music sounded too much like John Fogerty. Some rich guy that loved CCR bought the record company, fired the lawyers, ended the lawsuit, and gave John a new record deal.

You can't Leave out Dark Side of the Moon