Showing posts with label rainbow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rainbow. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Palawan, Philippines

 My Favorite images from our trip to Palawan, Philippines.

View from Balcony West to East

30 Minute Outrigger Canoe Ride to Subterranean River
Arrived to the lagoon on Rose Mar #29
Board a Smaller Canoe for the Underground River.
River Entry
Spectacular Formations
While you pass through the cave you may feel drips from the ceiling fall on you.
If the drip is COLD its water.
If the drip is WARM its Bat Shit.

The lagoon was as spectacular as the cave.

Hiking to a Waterfall. Our resort is straight across the bay from this point. We walked about 30 minutes to get to this point. The waterfall was still 30 minutes away.
But worth the walk. There are pools on three different levels you can soak in the cool water and enjoy the view.
This movie starts in real time but drops down to finish in Slow Motion.


Fruit Stand

Rainbows in the clouds.

Our Resort was located in Sabang.

Indigenous People Tribal Art.
There was never more than 20 people on the beach, usually just 4 or 5.

A giant Monitor Lizard roams free at the resort and lives in a tree by the lobby. it more than 6 feet long from nose to tip of tail.

Artsy Fartsy Photo Fun by the pool.

Maybe because of the drinks.

No gentle rise to these mountains. They just thrust straight up to the sky.

It not just the lizards that are large.

Jeepney. Public transportation. They were created from US Army Jeeps that were left there after World War II.

We also went to a Crocodile Farm.

And a Butterfly Garden.

We only had to fight for beach space with tiny little crabs.

Low Tide. High Sky.

Storm in the distance, only half day of rain, but it didn't cool off.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Friday, February 3, 2017

Coincidence or a Message from Above?

Mother Nature wants you to learn to speak Spanish.

English: Rainbow. EspaƱol: Arco iris.

Rainbow sings the blues.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Off Shore Flow

 You Can't Stop the Rainbow.
The wind was blowing a heavy spray off the wave crest and the sun was in just the right spot to colorize it.  

This country was built by all colors.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Monday, March 7, 2016

This is Why I Always Keep a Camera Nearby

I drove around for 15 minutes trying to get a shot that didn't have powerlines or other unnatural objects in the scene