Showing posts with label Joke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joke. Show all posts

Saturday, June 18, 2022

The Woody Joke



A friend of mine bought one of these cars sight unseen and had it shipped here from across the country. I came over to see it and arrived just as it is being delivered. As soon as the it comes off the truck my friend gets a crowbar and starts prying off the wood siding. I beg him to stop, but he just kept on working that crowbaw. I am almost in tears watching him destroy the car but nothing I say will stop him.
Finally all the wooden siding had been removed. He steps back to take a good look, then says...
"you are right it looked better in the shipping crate."

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Bus Factor

Riddle me this Batman!

 A bus driver was headed down the street.

He went past a stop sign without stopping.

He went left at a NO LEFT TURN sign.

He went the wrong way down a One Way street.

Then down the left hand side of the road right past a police car.

Yet he broke no traffic laws.

    How is that possible? Answer below.

I always thought the Super ScenicCrusier was the coolest thing on the highway when I was a kid.

Dumaguete or Bust

Is it a Bus or a Limo?

The bus driver was walking. Not Driving.